Rk2681N / RK2681AN / RK2682N Nulla resistendum TEESTER
RK2681N: 100kω-5tΩ 10/25/50/100 / CCL / 500V
RK2681AN: 100kω-10/50/100/250/500 10tΩ / 1000V
RK2682N, 500kω, 2GΩ D / 1000v
RK2517 / RK2517a DC resistentes Tester
RK2517 Series DC low resistentia problem usus est in Nullam contact resistentia, iungo plug resistentia, filum resistentia, typis Board Circuit et Solder foraminis resistentia, etc.
RK2517 / 1Uω-200mω
Rk2517a / 1Uω-20Mω
RK2517b / 1Uω-2MΩ
RK2517C / 1Uω-200Kω
RK2517D / 10uω-20KΩ
RK2671E / RK2671EM REGNUS VOLTage Tester
Product Introduction in Merrick RK2671 series resistere voltage tester est instrumentum ad metimur resistere voltage vires. Potest intuitive, verius, et cito test electrica salus perficientur Indicatores ut naufragii voltage et Leakage current ex variis probata obiecti, et potest esse in altum, et tota apparatus. Hoc series testers occurrit sequentibus signa: domum appliance signa (IEC60 ... -
Rk1212bln / rk1212dn / rk1212en / rk1212gn audio signum generans
Rk1212bln, 0.1-15VRMM 20Hz - 20k HZ 20W RK1212DN, 0.1-18VRMS 20Hz - 20K HZ 40W Rk1212en: 0.1-22vrm 20Hz - 20k HZ 60W Rk1212gn: 0.1-28.5vrms 20Hz - 20k HZ 100W
Rk9830n tres-phase intelligens potentia meter
0 ~ 600v 0 ~ 40a uno-phase 0 ~ 24kw tres-phase 0 ~ 41.5kw
RK9910 / RK9920 Program-Stranger Vestibulum resistant voltage tester
Haec series progressio-coerceri resistere voltage testers sunt altus-perficientur salus potest cito et verius mores comprehensive salus mensurae familias appliances, instrumenta, computers, electrica calefacit appliances, computers, et informationes apparatu.Test voltage: AC 0.05-5KV DC 0.05-6KVTest Current:(RK9910) AC: 0.001MA-10MA DC: 0.1UA-5MA(Rk9920) AC 0.001MA-20MA DC 0.1- 10MA -
RK5000 / RK5001 / RK5002 / RK5003 / RK5005 variabilis frequency potentia copia
Power: 500VA / 1KVA / 2KVA / 3kva / 5kva
Frequency: 47hz, 63hz -
RK2675YM Series Medical Leakage Current Tester
Output intentione range: 0-300v
Test Current: AC / DC: 0-200ua AC / DC: 0.2-2MA AC: 2-10MA
Test accurate: ± V% + III verba
Test Tempus: 0-99s (continuously Novifacta) -
RK2511N / RK2512N DC Low Resistance Tester
In DC resistentia tester of rk2511n series in mensuram omnium generis de caelo resistentia, motor transformer curvis resistentia, filum resistentia omnium generis cables, switch components et metallum et alia resistentia electrica, bases et metallum riveting resistentia. 10μω, 20Kω 1Mma 10MA 1MA 1Mμa <5.5v
100MA 1MA 1MA 1MA 1MA 1MA 1MA 1Mμa 1μA 1μA <5.5v
Rk9920ay / RK991010AY / RK9920by / RK9910by Programmable resistere voltage Tester
Rk9920ay: AC / DC: 0.05-5 / 6.00KV AC: 0.001MA-20MA DC: 0.1UA-10MA
Rk9910AY: AC / DC: 0.05-5 / 6.00KV AC: 0,001MA-10MA DC: 0.1UA-5MA
Rk9920by, AC: 0.05-5.00KV AC: 0.001MA-20MA
Rk9910by, AC: 0.05-5.00KV AC: 0.001MA-10MA
Rk9970 / RK9970a-III / RK9970a-VI Programmable Auto Safety Tester
AC sustinere voltage test intentione range: 0.050kv ~ 5.000kv
AC sustinere voltage test voltage accurate: ± (I% + 0.2% of plenam scale)
Maximum output potentia DC sustinere voltage test: 120w (6.000kv / 20MA)
Voltage Test Output Voltage occasum: 0.050kv 000KV V 000KV resolutio: 1V volts / Gradus
Current range de grounding resistentia: (3.0-32.0) A
Current accurate: ± (I% Lectio Value + 0,2a)
Power Voltage Range: 30.0v ~ 300.0v
Leakage current voltage range: 30.0v ~ 300.0v
Humilis, intentione incipiens voltage accurate: ± (I% Lectio Value + 2v)
Minimum intentione incipiens voltage range: 30.0v ~ 300.0v
Rk9966 / RK9966A / RK9966B / RK9966C photovoltaic salutem comprehensive tester
Output intentione range: (0.1 10.00 ~) KV
Maximum output Power: 200VA (10.0KV 20MA)
Output intentione range: (0.1 10.00 ~) KV
Maximum output Power: 100VA (10.0KV 10MA)
Output range: 0.1 10KV
Output Current Range: III ~ 60A (DC)
Sagaciter: ± (I% of Lectio + 0.2a)
Output intentione range: (0.05 ~ 5.00) KV
Maximum output Power: 100VA (5.0kv 20MA)
Output intentione range: (0.05 ~ 6.00) KV
Maximum output Power: 60VA (6.0KV 10MA)
Output range: 0.05 ~ 2.500KV
Gr / -
RK7505Y / RK7510Y / RK7520Y / RK7530Y / RK7550Y Programmable Medical Leakage Current Tester
Rk7500y Series Medical Leakage Current Tester, Built-in Medical Simulated Humanum Corpus Network, covering terra Leakage Current, tactus current, patientes estote ad ludum, patientes estote auxilia current et alia munera, programmable / unum-key Serialization Test, Programmable / unus-Key Serialization
RK2511AL / RK2511BL / RK2511ABLR DC Low Resistance Tester
Test range: 50Mω D Mω 5Ω 50Ω 5KΩ 50kω 20KΩ
Test Resistance Range: 0.01MΩ - 200.0KΩ -
Rk9974-10 / RK9974-20 / RK9974-30 / RK9974-50 Programmable Auto Safety Tester AC DC
Hoc progressio-geritur ultra-alta voltage testers sunt disposito providere summus intentione resistere voltage test et analysis ad summus voltage Optocouplers, summus intentione Relas, alias cogitationes cum altus velit resistentia.
Rk9974-10 AC 200VA (10.0KV 20MA) DC 100VA (10.0KV 10MA)
Rk9974-20 AC 400VA (20,0KV 20MA) DC 200VA (20.0kv 10MA)
Rk9974-30 AC 600VA (30.0kv 20MA)
Rk9974-50 AC 1000va (50.0kv 20MA)
KPS1610 / KPS3205 / KPS1620 / KPS6005 Switching Power copia
Product Features * imperium per Microprocessor (MCU), High Cost -effective * High Power Density, minima et pacto * Aluminium Crusta et Current * High Efficens ad LXXXVIII%. * Low Ripple&Noise:≤30mVp-P * Output ON/OFF * Lock Switch * Intuitive Output Power Display * Soft Start Without Overshoot,Protect Sensitive Device * Intelligent Protection: Output Short Circuit Protection, Tracking Over Voltag Protection (Ovp), Track Over Current Prot ... -
KPS1660 / KPS3232 / KPS601011 / KPS6017 Switching Power Supple
Product Introduction KPS Series Switching Power copia specialiter disposito officinarum, schola et productio linea. Eius output intentione et output onus current potest continuously adjustable inter 0 et nominis valorem. Hoc est functio externi circuitus tutela. Stabilitatem et Rippele coefficiens virtutis copia valde bona et perfecta praesidium circuitu. Haec series potentia copia regitur per Microprocessor (MCU). Est parva et pulcher in appearan ... -
RK9961 Programmed Safety Comprehendo Tester
Voltage sustinere test, ac (0.05 ~ 5.000) KV, DC (0.05 ~ 6.00) KV
Test Intellectum: Output Voltage 0.050KV ~ V 000Kv resolutio: 1v / Gradus
Grounding Resistentia: Current Range 3.0-32.0A (Fusce ut 100A)
Leakage Current: voltage range 30.0v ~ 300.0v
RK9950 Program imperium Leakage Current Tester
Programmable Leakage Current Tester adhibetur ad Leakage Current Test de familia adjumenta, electronic instrumenta, electronic apparatu, electrica tools, electrica calefacit adjumenta et alia products.
RK9950 (Passive)
Rk9950A (500VA)
Rk9950b (1000va)
Rk2671dm resistere voltage tester
Rk2671DM sustinere voltage testes est instrumentum mensuræ resistunt voltage vires.
AC / DC (0.00 ~ 10.00) KV
2Ma, 20MA, 100ma